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Logotipo de Quimil Indústria e Comércio SA

Quimil Indústria e Comércio SA

Quimil Comercial

Simões Filho, Bahia, Brasil1994
D-U-N-S® Registered™
QUIMIL is a specialist in water treatment, developing integrated actions in services and high performance products. Its strong business relationships, its commitment to providing integrated and differentiated services, its wide know-how and technological assets with applications in several segments, make the company the ideal partner of its clients in the search for applied solutions. It is a national leader in specialty chemicals. The success of your business represents our goals. For this, QUIMIL offers the most advanced technologies in products, processes and structures, capable of guaranteeing the best results. Water is in many businesses key raw material for the production of products and services. Its cost is increasingly influencing market competitiveness. In this context, QUIMIL proposes economically viable solutions for the conditioning of water for various purposes (purification, industry and recreation), potentializing reduction of production costs and maximizing the margin of profitability of the business. More than chemical products, with high purity, tested and approved for their respective areas of application, QUIMIL specializes in services and products applied to water treatment with ISO 9001-2000 certification. The ultimate realization that QUIMIL offers more than effective products, services and solutions is customer support made up of highly qualified professionals who recycle through courses and lectures, making them up to date and trained in water treatment processes, effluent and reuse, as well as chemical handling, health and operational safety. QUIMIL's multidisciplinary technical team is able to meet the most varied demands of the market, offering customized solutions for each project. The company has structured and qualified research laboratories to follow processes and products applied to water treatment. Operational efficiency, focus on cost reduction and maximization of final product quality in water treatment plants has been a constant pursuit. These are the differentials of QUIMIL, a complete company with solutions in water treatment services. The success of your business represents our goals. For this, QUIMIL offers the most advanced technologies in products, processes and structure capable of guaranteeing the best results. Vision To be a national reference as a business organization focused on the treatment and preservation of water, seen as a strategic public good for the present and future generations. Mission Acting in the segment of industry, commerce and services, offering integrated technological solutions for water treatment, corresponding to the expectations of shareholders, employees, suppliers, customers, environment and community and consolidating itself as a qualified, economically sound and knowledgeable company. their social responsibility. Values • Respect for the human being as the center of business management. • Preservation of water as a strategic public good for the present and future of humankind. • Responsible action with the community and the environment. • Valuing the customer as the company's reason for existence. • Partnership policy and co-responsibility with suppliers. • Loyalty and suitability in competitive relationships. • Permanent search for excellence in service delivery and continuous improvement of its processes. • Appreciation and qualification of the employee in the human and professional dimensions. • Socio-environmental responsibility as a business strategy.
Logotipo de Epoxemex, S.A. de C.V.

Epoxemex, S.A. de C.V.


México, Ciudad De México, México1999
D-U-N-S® Registered™
En 1994 iniciamos con nuestra planta productiva y desde 1997 nuestro negocio de distribución con KUKDO CHEMICAL. Nos dedicamos a la comercialización, distribución y producción de materia prima para pinturas y recubrimientos, tintas, adhesivos, construcción, hule, plásticos, composites, cosméticos e industria química en general. Nuestras oficinas generales y planta se ubican en la Ciudad de México, con tres laboratorios de desarrollo y aplicación. Tenemos sucursal en Monterrey y oficinas de ventas en Guadalajara, León y Querétaro. Contamos con reconocimiento en el mercado como compañía seria de clase mundial, enfocados hacia nuestros clientes, ofreciendo calidad, soporte técnico y precios competitivos. Nuestros socios comerciales son líderes en el mercado mundial, con plantas productivas en Asia, Europa y Estados Unidos. Certificaciones: Contamos con certificación ISO 9001:2008 desde 2010, y estamos acreditados por EMA y ANAB. A partir de octubre de 2016 contamos con certificación ISO 9001:2015 En EPOXEMEX nuestro principal objetivo es satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes, trabajando de la mano con nuestros proveedores para brindarles, calidad, soporte técnico, innovación y precios competitivos, que nos permitan tener una beneficiosa relación a largo plazo para ambas partes, colaborando juntos como un equipo y obteniendo éxitos compartidos. Nuestros Productos: - Resinas epóxicas - Endurecedores - Endurecedores de Poliamida - Agentes curantes (catalizadores) - Endurecedores de mercaptano - Resinas hidrocarbonadas - Resinas para formulados - Resinas acrílicas - Aditivos - Aditivos para pinturas en polvo: agentes mateantes, agentes de flujo, antioxidantes, benzoina, TGCI, agentes para efecto de superficie (amartillado, cocodrilo, araña, nieve, etc.) - Extendedores - Diluyentes reactivos - Silica pirogénica HJSIL 200 y fumed silica HL-200 - Mercaptanos y mercaptanos de 5 minutos - Adhesivos de mercaptano (5 minutos) - Pigmentos perlescentes y de efecto - Dispersiones pigmentarias y más…
Logotipo de Argal Química Indústria e Comércio Ltda

Argal Química Indústria e Comércio Ltda

São Caetano Do Sul, São Paulo, Brasil1968
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Founded on November 5, 1960 in São Caetano do Sul by two Estonian entrepreneurs Mr. Edward Nahkur and Ago Sarev. Family-run company currently managed by shareholders Eduardo Alberto Nahkur, Edson Douglas Nahkur and Alexandre Siqueira. Committed to the quality of its services and products offered, having thus the quality certification of ISO 9001: 2015, meeting all the requirements and needs of the market. Our main challenge is to become a reference as a national company in the market offering solutions and results through the supply of our technical products and services seeking the loyalty of our customers through satisfaction. Innovation, quality and technology are the essence of the company. With the objective of realizing the treatment of water, which is a precious asset to mankind, for its preservation, acting in the industries and comfort with focus of preserving the equipments, prolonging the useful life with emphasis on and saving of water and energy. Acting on the market in the line of industrial water treatment, Effluents, Biotechnology and graphical lacquers with the supply of products, equipment and technical services for water treatment of: Steam Generator Systems, Cooling Systems, Ice Water Systems, Hot Water Systems , secondary disinfection of drinking water, Effluent Treatment Plants, Tributaries, Reuse, Environmental analyzes, monitoring of drinking water and Legionella.