

Maquinaria y equipo de granjas
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Maquinaria y equipo de granjas


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Logotipo de Pedertractor Industria e Comercio de Pecas Tratores e Servicos SA em Recuperacao Judicial

Pedertractor Industria e Comercio de Pecas Tratores e Servicos SA em Recuperacao Judicial


Pederneiras, São Paulo, Brasil1997
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Founded in 1978, PEDERTRACTOR operates in the segment of automotive, agricultural and road line parts, with tailor-made products, becoming increasingly a reference in the segment of Laser, Oxyfuel, Plasma, Folding Machining, Welding, Liquid Painting , Paint Powder and Paint E-coat. It is the ideal option in the development of complex designs for all types of mechanical assembly. Strategically in 2010, Tractorcomponents appeared in the same segment with the objective of supplying the Caldeiraria Pesada market in an increasingly competitive environment, thus forming an even more productive economic group, reducing costs and guaranteeing its position in the market. Customers are mostly Machinery and Equipment manufacturers that supply the global market with high quality products and technology, following the most stringent international building and engineering standards. Participating in this event, Pedertractor in its role of supplier is prepared with the most innovative service and manufacturing of parts and components, with a concept of excellence to make your supply more flexible. Located in the city of Pederneiras, in the west center of the state of São Paulo, 320 kilometers from the state capital, it has a privileged geographic location from the logistic point of view, since the city infrastructure has a Tietê - Paraná waterway terminal, railway terminal and is located at margins of the state highway João Ribeiro de Barros
Logotipo de Tractorcomponents Pecas Para Tratores e Maquinas Agricolas Ltda em Recuperacao Judicial

Tractorcomponents Pecas Para Tratores e Maquinas Agricolas Ltda em Recuperacao Judicial

Pederneiras, São Paulo, Brasil2010
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Founded in 1978 PEDERTRACTOR operates in the segment of manufacturing of parts for automotive, agricultural and road, with tailor-made products, becoming increasingly a reference in the segment of cutting Laser, Oxyfuel, Plasma, Folding Machining, Welding, Liquid Painting. , Powder Painting and E-coat Painting. It is the ideal choice in developing complex designs for all types of mechanical assembly. Strategically in 2010, Tractorcomponents started operating in the same segment with the objective of supplying the Heavy Boiler market in an increasingly competitive environment, thus forming an even more productive economic group, reducing costs and ensuring its position in the market. Most of the customers are Machine and Equipment manufacturers that supply the global market with high quality products and technology, following the most rigorous international construction and engineering standards. Participating in this event, Pedertractor in its role as a supplier is prepared with the most innovative services and parts and components manufacturing, with a concept of excellence to make its supply more flexible. Located in the city of Pederneiras, west center of the state of São Paulo, 320 kilometers from the state capital, it has a privileged geographical location from the logistic point of view, since the city infrastructure has a Tietê - Paraná waterway terminal, a railway terminal and is located at margins of the João Ribeiro de Barros state highway - SP 294.
Logotipo de Metalurgica Jama Ltda

Metalurgica Jama Ltda

Santa Rosa, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brasil1992
D-U-N-S® Registered™
Company with an area of 23,000 M², focused on solutions for its customersBusiness Tractors and harvesters producing food; trucks transporting wealth across the country; buses safely carrying workers, tourists and students; backhoes creating the development infrastructure. In the body of these supermachines, components produced with high precision, in accordance with the requirements of the largest automakers. Jama is a specialist in machining and has earned the trust of several industry segments, thanks to the combination of quality, commitment and flexibility. Quality achieved with the latest technology and excellent technical staff; Commitment to the client's goals and objectives; Flexibility to develop customized projects. With adequate logistics, Jama delivers its products to any region of the country. It is the completion of a process that consolidates the company as one of the most serious and competent suppliers to the Brazilian industrial sector. Goals Jama recognizes the important role played by innovative and reliable partners in achieving its strategic objectives: Provide suppliers with the uniform method that the Company uses to disclose procurement and continuous assessment procedures;Allow suppliers to think about proactive quality planning, as if it were a basic routine for business and improvement. ethic Jama works to consolidate a form of responsible business management. This means that it manages its business based on an ethical relationship with its stakeholders, its employees, governments and society. Since its foundation, the company has adopted the values: Ethics, Professionalism, Results and Sustainability, which are fully aligned with the principles of responsible management. Quality Jama is committed to continuously improving the Quality Management System, aiming to meet customer expectations, through the evaluation and monitoring of the production process, ensuring the quality of the delivered products. These are the Jama Organization's global intentions and guidelines relating to Quality formally expressed by senior management.
Logotipo de Kioti, S.A. de C.V.

Kioti, S.A. de C.V.


Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua, México2017
D-U-N-S® Registered™
KIOTI, S.A. de C.V. es una empresa mexicana que ostenta la representación comercial de DAEDONG INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD., localizada en Corea del Sur, para la venta de tractores nuevos de la marca KIOTI. Es una empresa familiar fundada en febrero de 2017 por tres socios con 15 años de experiencia en el mercado agrícola.: Con tan solo tres años en el mercado mexicano, pero con una alta competencia de los socios y empleados, así como la calidad de los productos, KIOTI S.A. de C.V. ha logrado posicionarse en 11 estados de la república mexicana a través de una sólida red de distribuidores. Esto refleja la dedicación, seriedad y compromiso de la empresa.: : Lo que distingue a la marca KIOTI de la competencia es la especialización de DAEDONG INDUSTRIAL CO. LTD para fabricar y proveer tractores pequeños y medianos para diferentes usos agrícolas, pecuarios e industriales. Los tractores KIOTI se caracterizan por su alto rendimiento de combustible, innovación tecnológica, comodidad y versatilidad. Adicionalmente se ofrecen implementos opcionales como el cargador frontal y la retroexcavadora que permiten realizar una amplia gama de trabajos. : Una de las principales metas de KIOTI, es la fidelización de sus clientes, a través de un servicio puntual, oportuno y eficaz; y con un producto de alta calidad (respaldado por una garantía de tres años o dos mil horas de trabaja, siendo valida hasta que una de las dos condiciones se cumpla). Además se busca otorgar facilidades de compra para el cliente con esquemas de financiamientos accesibles y adaptados a sus necesidades.: Al día de hoy el tractor marca KIOTI modelo DK5810N cuenta con la certificación del OCIMA-INIFAP con lo cual KIOTI S.A. de C.V. brinda la oportunidad a los clientes para adquirir el tractor con subsidio por parte del gobierno mexicano.: Política de calidad: “En KIOTI S.A. de C.V. somos una empresa mexicana que ostenta la representación comercial de Daedong Industrial Co. LTD. En donde cuidamos la satisfacción total de las necesidades de nuestros clientes; cumpliendo nuestros compromisos legales y reglamentarios con responsabilidad y calidad; a través de la mejora continua de nuestro sistema de gestión, nuestro personal y red de distribuidores capacitados, que nos permitan proveer tractores, productos y servicios de excelencia.": Misión: KIOTI S.A. de C.V. somos una empresa mexicana que ostenta la representación comercial de Daedong Industrial Co. LTD., que busca satisfacer las necesidades de nuestros clientes proporcionándoles en todo momento un servicio integral, a un precio competitivo con el fin de brindar tractores y demás productos KIOTI de calidad distintiva”: : Visión: “Ser una empresa líder y reconocida en México por brindar tractores y demás productos KIOTI de calidad y alto desempeño. Gracias a nuestro personal y red de distribuidores comprometidos y capaces a lo largo del país que logran hacer sentir al cliente la confianza de que cada que adquiere un producto KIOTI adquiere un aliado estratégico.”: