Descripción general

Nombre legal
PZ Eventos Ltda
Identificación fiscal
Entidad legal
Private limited company
1 - 20
Correos electrónico(s)
1 dirección
Números de teléfono
1 dirección
Candelária 65, Sala 1604, 20091020, Centro, Rio De Janeiro, Rio De Janeiro, Brasil

¿Qué hace PZ Eventos Ltda?

In the market since 2004, PZ Eventos has been consolidated through several projects carried out for companies and professionals. Relying on its customers for quality, agility and commitment to service, today PZ Eventos is a young, innovative company with a large experience in projects for a wide range of customer profiles. Only with a lot of planning and division of tasks, where each area is managed by a qualified professional, is it possible to create a company that can carry out an event from start to finish, through creation, production and total follow-up until the end of the event. We at PZ Eventos are able to serve companies of various segments, holding various types of events. We aim to satisfy our customers by offering optimization of costs through partnerships, time customization, quality in services and products, reduction of unforeseen events, reduction of production workload, and event management with skilled labor in contracting infrastructure and logistics. We count with a team of qualified professionals to guarantee the organization and accomplishment of each stage with punctuality and efficiency. So every customer enjoys only the good moments of your event.

Puntuaciones y calificaciones

Evaluación de riesgos
Scores risk image
El indicador de evaluación de riesgos calcula e indica el riesgo general de hacer negocios con esta empresa.

Limite de crédito
Scores credit limit
Mostramos un importe mínimo y máximo para que el analista pueda elegir el más conveniente en función del área en la que opera.

Historial de pagos
Scores payments history
Infórmese sobre el comportamiento de pago de esta empresa en base a qué tan al día están con sus deudas.



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