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Age Empaques de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.




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Age Empaques de México, S. de R.L. de C.V.
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Private limited company
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What does Age Empaques de México, S. de R.L. de C.V. do?

ANCHOR BAY PACKAGING RECEIVES AWARD OF EXCELLENCE Anchor Bay Packaging was honored to accept the Special Recognition Award from Ford at their 21st world excellence award ceremony. During a fire catastrophe for one of Ford’s major suppliers of the F150, Anchor Bay Packaging was tasked to design packs for the salvaged parts for transportation. The packaging for these parts was designed, tested, and approved within 24 hours of the event. When temporary production was moved from Detroit to the England area, Anchor Bay Packaging personally visited the plant to validate the packaging and begin production. This partnership with Ford allowed the production of the F-150 to begin 1-week from the fire, with their initial anticipated timeframe being months. In the end, Anchor Bay Packaging was able to assist Ford with a logistical nightmare and save the organization a significant amount of time and money. ANCHOR BAY PACKAGING CORPORATION OVERVIEW Anchor Bay Packaging’s tradition of superb packaging design and manufacturing can be traced all the way back to 1979, when Mark Pierno founded the company. Though the company has grown substantially over the years, we’ve stayed true to the core principles that Mark envisioned when he started Anchor Bay Packaging: superior engineering and a steadfast commitment to superb customer service. We strongly believe these principles have been our keys to success over the years. Before founding Anchor Bay Packaging, Mark was a salesman with Stone Container Corporation. Recognizing the need for just-in-time multi-material packaging, Mark decided to start his own company. In 1981, he partnered with Phil Taravella, who was the Chief Engineer of Packaging for Stone Container. Phil shared Mark’s vision for a packaging/brokerage company that specialized in automotive interior dunnage and strived for excellence. Between 1990 and 1997, Anchor Bay Packaging grew dramatically in sales and profits. It was during this period that the company developed its strategy as the leader of the automotive interior dunnage market. In 1997, they moved to the current location on 23 Mile. In 2007, on the death of Mark Pierno, control of the company passed to his wife Victoria and it became a Certified Woman Owned Business. Anchor Bay Packaging specializes in the manufacturing and sales of corrugated packaging products primarily to the automotive industry throughout the global market. The heart of the company strategy is our market leadership in engineering, research and design of its products. Anchor Bay Packaging engineers are highly experienced and work with state of the art equipment to solve demanding packaging problems for our customers. We use corrugated, wood, chipboard, plastic, foam or a combination of these materials to satisfy customer needs. These fundamental business strategies have resulted in substantial growth and profitability for 35 years. In short, this approach leaves Anchor Bay Packaging uniquely positioned as a leader in the industry.

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Expired Nov 2022

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