
Legal name
Mahle Metal Leve SA
Tax ID
Legal entity
Private limited company
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1 address
Phone number(s)
2 address
Ernst Mahle 2000, 13849050, Mombaça, Mogi Guaçu, São Paulo, Brazil

What does Mahle Metal Leve SA do?

Goal: As a company with worldwide activities, we are constantly competing for new and existing customers. Daily we face the great challenge of ensuring the existence and continuous growth of our company. Only by achieving ambitious goals of profit do we guarantee the continuity of our independence and, consequently, our jobs. Field of activity: As a supplier of components and systems for automotive drives and industrial applications we are always a reliable partner for our customers. We develop and manufacture products considered standards of excellence in all markets. We also want to defend and extend our leadership in the future. It is our goal to lead the competition by the tip. Customers / Suppliers: Technological leadership, quality, credibility of supplies and optimization of costs are the keys to business success. We strive daily to meet the needs of our customers. Through the continuous improvement of our products and services as well as our willingness to innovate, we have the permanent satisfaction of our customers. The quest for continuous improvement should be extended to our suppliers. Only with them will we be competitive in the long run. Contributors: Motivated employees are the engine of our company. That is why we encourage responsibility in the workplace, as well as a willingness to cooperate with employees, teamwork and individual efficiency. As a company with international activities, our employees cooperate beyond the borders of countries and continents. We support this cooperation and fair competition between the various companies and units of the group. We aim at a cooperative business culture that maintains open communication and a team-oriented work mode. We understand work safety and health protection as tasks that aim to protect our employees. Financing: The existence, profit and growth of our company are our goals. The necessary financing for our assets is made through our own and external financial resources in a balanced relationship, with emphasis on own resources. In summary, we intend to practice a liquidity and foreign exchange policy with low risk and favorable costs, which corresponds to the interests of our shareholders. Financial activities should not cause risks. Risks resulting from operating business must be limited or prevented by financial measures. Society: Following the idea of the founders of our company we want to support, with the success of our work, the various social projects of our main partner. We are a reliable partner also for long term projects. The business interests of our main partner are considered through MABEG (MAHLE Beteiligungs-Gesellschaft). Environment: The preservation of our environment is a special concern. Consequently, we are concerned, already in the development and planning phase of our products and processes, with the reduced consumption of resources and the protection of our natural space. Our products meet these requirements, both in their production and in their use. All employees are committed to the ecological issue. Scratchs: We consider the recognition, evaluation, mastery and monitoring of risks as priority management tasks and the leadership process. With the integration of risk management into MAHLE's management system, we emphasize the significance of this task for the company.

Scores & Ratings

Risk assessment
Scores risk image
The risk assessment indicator calculates and indicates the overall risk of making business with this company.

Credit limit
Scores credit limit
We show a minimum and maximum amount so that the analyst can choose the most convenient one depending on the area in which he operates.

Payments history
Scores payments history
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Annual revenue over time

Export and import ratio over time

Local market

Number of employees over time

Number of employees by country

Male to female manager ratio





D-U-N-S Registered™
D-U-N-S Registered™
Valid until Feb 2025

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